Map of Cultures

The labels Hohokam, Anasazi and Mogollon are used by archaeologists and anthropologists to define cultural differences among prehistoric peoples. It is important to remember that the ancient people who lived in these areas from 200BC-1450AD were more diverse than their material remains may suggest, just like the people living in the same areas now. Modern cultures in these same regions contain a vast range of diversity in language, lifestyle and beliefs.

Prehistoric people traded, worshiped and collaborated most often with other nearby groups. Knowing this, it makes sense that as the physical distance increased between the groups, the cultural differences increased as well.

For us at Kachina House, we find it most fascinating that these ancient cultures seem to have “met” in the precise location where Sedona exists today. For us, it makes the addition of crafts from what is now northern Mexico much more intertwined with the modern Native Americans we have been learning from and working with for over 10 years.